TFC #33: Visualize Your Pipeline With Kanban Boards

Kanban boards can be your guiding light towards order and efficiency in your cabinetshop.

Do you ever lose track of jobs, struggle to keep tabs on where they stand in your pipeline, or, perhaps, find yourself forgetting to follow up on important quotes?

If these challenges sound all too familiar, fret not, for there's a game-changing solution that can transform your workflow. Enter the world of Kanban boards – a visual, intuitive tool designed to bring order and efficiency to your projects.

Some of you may already have software in place to accomplish this level of visibility, but for the rest of you, this article is going to explain how you can utilize Kanban boards to help keep track of things in your shop.

What is a Kanban board?

A Kanban board helps you see what you have to do, what you're doing right now, and what you've finished.

It's like a cool way to keep track of your work and make sure you don't forget anything important.

Here is an example of a simple 3-column Kanban board.

To-Do Column: This is where you put all the things you need to do, like making a list of your homework or chores.

Doing Column: When you start working on something, you move a card from the "To-Do" column to the "Doing" column. It's like saying, "I'm doing this now!"

Done Column: When you finish a task, it goes to the "Done" column. This is where you celebrate because you're all done with it!

Kanban for Cabinetmakers

So how could a Kanban board help a cabinetmaker?

You could use a simple version like I described above, however, the real power of Kanban boards come when you customize the columns to fit your processes.

For example, lets say you want a Kanban board to keep track of your jobs in the office so each person can see where a job is in the pipeline.

Look at the example below.

This should help you get an idea of why Kanban boards are so useful. Everything is visible from one page. In most Kanban boards, you can easily click and drag the boards around as they move from column to column.

With this in place, if Mrs. Brown calls in to the office, you don’t have to go digging trying to figure out where her job information is in your messy desk.

You could also have different boards for different uses in the shop, you could have one boards specifically for the sales process, another for the production process, and maybe one for your accounting process.

Even if you don’t have a CRM, ERP, or any other fancy acronym for software to help you run your shop, you can put a Kanban board into use without a lot of setup and for little to no cost.

How do I start using a Kanban tool?

Starting to use Kanban boards today is easier than you might think! Here's a simple step-by-step guide:

Choose a Tool: You can start with physical Kanban boards using a whiteboard and sticky notes or go digital with software. (I will list some software example below)

If you already have a customer database or CRM, check to see if it already has a Kanban option so you don’t have to enter your data twice.

Set Up Your Columns: Create columns to represent different stages of your work or projects. Common ones are "To-Do," "Doing," and "Done," but you can customize them to fit your needs, like "Lead," "Quoted," "Engineered," "Ordered," "WIP," and "Delivered" for cabinetmaking.

Add Cards: Add each job as its own card or project. Each card represents something you need to do.

Move Cards: Start by placing your cards in the "To-Do" column. As you work on them, move the cards to "Doing" and finally to "Done" when completed.

Visualize Progress: Your Kanban board now shows what you're working on and what's finished at a glance. It's a great way to stay organized!

Regularly Update: Remember to update your board regularly as you start, work on, and finish tasks. This keeps everything current and helps you stay on top of your work.

So, grab your preferred tool, set up your Kanban board, and start using it today. It's a fantastic way to boost your productivity and keep your tasks and projects in order, whether you're a cabinetmaker or tackling any other kind of work!

What software should I use?

A lot of CRM software platforms include a Kanban board, so the first step is to check and make sure your existing software, if you have any, doesn’t come with a Kanban board.

Otherwise, here is a list of common tools in no particular order that include a Kanban board.

  1. Trello:

    • Trello is a user-friendly Kanban tool known for its simplicity. It uses cards and boards to help you manage tasks and projects with ease. It's a great choice for those new to Kanban.


    • is highly customizable and offers visually appealing Kanban boards. You can tailor your boards to fit your specific workflow, making it a versatile option for various industries.

  3. ClickUp:

    • ClickUp is a powerful project management tool that includes Kanban boards. It provides flexibility and customization, making it suitable for small teams and large organizations alike. It also offers additional features like time tracking and goal setting. It is a little more complicated than some.

  4. Notion:

    • Notion is an all-in-one workspace that includes Kanban board functionality. It's highly customizable and can be used for a wide range of tasks, from project management to note-taking and collaboration. You can build an entire all-in-one software using Notion but it can be very complicated to setup.

  5. Cabinetshop Maestro:

    • Cabinetshop Maestro is a software for cabinetmakers that includes Kanban board functionality. It offers several other features as well, but the main Kanban board is very nice and customizable. I used it quite a bit several years ago.


If you've ever found yourself overwhelmed by the chaos of cabinetmaking projects, struggling to keep track of jobs, or forgetting to follow up on crucial quotes, Kanban boards can be your guiding light towards order and efficiency.

These visual tools are not just for tech wizards; they're simple, adaptable, and can be tailored to your unique workflow. Whether you're a seasoned cabinetmaker or new to the craft, Kanban boards offer a streamlined way to manage tasks and projects. From the "To-Do" column where everything begins to the satisfying "Done" column marking completion, Kanban boards help you visualize your progress effortlessly.

For cabinetmakers, customizing the columns to fit your unique processes brings the true power of Kanban boards to life. You can effortlessly track jobs in the pipeline, manage sales, production, and accounting processes, all from a single, organized page.

And the best part? You don't need fancy software or complex setups. A whiteboard and sticky notes can do the trick, or you can explore digital tools like Trello,, ClickUp, Notion, or even specialized software like Cabinetshop Maestro if you're in the woodworking industry.

So, whether you're managing a small shop or a bustling woodworking business, take the plunge into the world of Kanban boards.

Start today, and watch as your cabinetmaking projects flow seamlessly, with every task and project right where you need it.

With Kanban, organization and efficiency are at your fingertips, making your woodworking journey smoother and more enjoyable than ever before.

Happy cabinetmaking, and happy Kanban-ing!