TFC #19: Embracing The Marketing Shift

Marketing is no longer about shouting from the mountaintop.

In a world saturated with advertisements and digital noise, the landscape of marketing is undergoing a seismic shift. The days of billboards, magazines, and flashy online ads dictating consumer choices are waning.

Marketing is no longer about shouting from the mountaintop; it's about earning whispers of trust that echo through the valleys of consumer decision-making.

Today, it's all about trust. People seek recommendations from those they trust, valuing authenticity and personal connections more than ever.

Are you ready to embrace the winds of change and redefine the way you connect with your audience?

Here is a three-step plan to start using trust-based marketing.

Step 1: Cultivate Customer Delight and Gather Reviews

The foundation of trust-based marketing lies in the satisfaction of your customers.

Focus on providing exceptional service and delivering high-quality custom cabinets that exceed expectations. Go the extra mile to ensure customer delight and encourage them to leave reviews and testimonials.

Here's how:

  • Provide an outstanding customer experience: From the initial consultation to the final installation, prioritize open communication, attention to detail, and a seamless process. Aim to exceed customer expectations at every stage.

  • Follow up and request feedback: After completing a project, reach out to your clients to express your gratitude and kindly request their feedback. Provide a convenient platform for them to share their thoughts, whether through email, a personalized feedback form, or review websites.

  • Showcase positive reviews: Once you receive positive reviews, display them on your website, social media profiles, and other relevant platforms. Highlight the experiences and satisfaction of your customers to build trust and credibility with potential clients.

Your customers can be your best marketers. Focus on delighting them, and let their positive experiences spread like wildfire.

Andy Sernovitz

Step 2: Leverage the Power of Social Media

Social media platforms have become key players in the trust-based marketing ecosystem.

Harness their potential to build your brand, engage with your audience, and amplify your reach.

Follow these steps to make the most of social media:

  • Identify the right platforms: Determine which social media platforms resonate most with your target audience. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are popular choices for sharing visually appealing content.

  • Showcase your work: Regularly post high-quality photos and videos of your custom cabinet projects. Highlight the craftsmanship, unique designs, and transformations you create. Encourage clients to tag your business when sharing images of their newly installed cabinets.

  • Engage authentically: Actively engage with your followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in conversations related to home improvement and design. Show genuine interest in your audience's needs and preferences, building trust and fostering a sense of community.

TIP: If social media isn’t your thing, I would recommend finding creative ways to entice your customers to share pictures of their new cabinets on social media. You could give them a discount or future credit in exchange for a social post that mentions your company.

It may cost you something, but it saves you the time of producing content yourself. Plus, people always like hearing about businesses from anyone except the business.

Step 3: Strategic Partnerships

By aligning with like-minded businesses and professionals, you can enhance your credibility, expand your reach, and tap into new customer bases.

Follow these steps to forge fruitful partnerships:

  • Identify compatible industry partners: Look for businesses and professionals whose services complement your custom cabinet offerings. Consider interior designers, home builders, architects, or even local hardware stores. Seek partners who share similar values and target a similar audience.

  • Establish mutually beneficial collaborations: Reach out to potential partners with a clear proposal for collaboration. Identify how your services can complement each other and create added value for customers. This could involve joint marketing campaigns, cross-referrals, or co-creating content that showcases your combined expertise.

Strategic partnerships can be one of the most effective ways of advertising.

With other types of advertising, you might get some attention, but those people don’t trust you and they have a low chance of converting.

If a business that they already trust recommends you, you have a huge jump start and a much higher chance of converting that person into a customer.

Collaboration is the key to unlocking new doors and reaching audiences you couldn't on your own.

Here are a few examples of strategic partnerships:

  • Coca-Cola and McDonald's: Coca-Cola and McDonald's have long been iconic brands, and their partnership has been a staple in the fast-food industry. McDonald's exclusively serves Coca-Cola products, leveraging the global recognition and appeal of both brands to create a seamless and consistent experience for customers.

  • Intel and Microsoft: Intel and Microsoft have a long-standing partnership that has revolutionized the computer industry. Intel provides the processors that power Microsoft's Windows operating system, creating a seamless and optimized user experience.

  • Nike and Apple: Nike and Apple formed a partnership to create the Nike+ product line, integrating Nike's running shoes with Apple's iPod and later with the iPhone. This collaboration allowed runners to track their performance, set goals, and sync their data seamlessly, combining the strengths of both brands in the fitness and technology sectors.

  • Spotify and Uber: Spotify and Uber joined forces to create a unique music experience for Uber riders. Passengers can now control the music played during their Uber rides through the Spotify app, enhancing the overall customer experience and providing a personalized touch to each journey.


The shifting marketing landscape demands a fresh approach for us to thrive in an era of trust-based marketing.

Trust-based marketing is not just a passing trend; it is the path to sustainable success and meaningful connections with your audience.

I have found this to be so true for myself as a consumer and as a business trying to promote my services.

As a consumer, before I buy something, I want to read reviews or watch a youtube review about that certain product.

For example, a couple of months ago, I decided that we needed new lawn chairs because our old ones were falling apart. So I got on Amazon and started looking at all of the different options.

When I saw one I liked, I would click on the listing and immediately scroll to the bottom and read the reviews. I don’t care about the product description because I don’t trust the description to tell me if it’s good or not.

If the reviews were good enough and things were looking promising, then I would head to youtube and see if anyone had made any videos reviewing that certain chair.

Finally, I settled on the right ones and made the purchase.

Quite the ordeal.

I spent hours researching these chairs for some reason…... I might not be normal.

I do this same process for pretty much everything I buy. Products, software, services, etc.

The way I go about making a decision as a consumer has heavily impacted the way I think about marketing as a business.

I hope this article was helpful to you.

Let me know what you think. Are traditional advertisements still as effective for you or are you seeing this shift also?

Thanks for reading,
